Casey Bell
19 min readNov 23, 2022



Albert Einstein Middle School was bigger than McCooper. As soon as I walked in, I was nervous about getting lost. I walked in the halls fascinated of how big the school was. The classes were much different than in Elementary and there were more students, much more. I spent my first year in middle school away from my neighbors. Thomas was the only one I knew from McCooper that was in my classes. The only time I got to see them was at lunch time. It wasn’t that bad though; I was able to meet new people. Einstein was actually better because the students didn’t know or care that we were from Crystal, so we didn’t have any jealousy following us around. And we didn’t have to worry about bullies, other than the eighth graders who thought they were superior to us. My first year in the middle school was an exciting time; I joined the chorus and took part in the Christmas concert my first year.

At home; my mother got my sister a cat for her sixth birthday. Ever since she was four, she cried about wanting a cat, but my parents didn’t think she was old enough to care for one. My father got her a stuffed animal and told her if she takes care of it as if it was a real cat, he would decide whether or not to get her one. She treated that stuffed thing like a person; she was determined to get a cat. I must say the cat was really cute, and it liked me. It was a Bengal and it was pretty. My sister did a good job taking care of it, she would walk it like a dog, and she named it Sandy. The neighborhood…



Casey Bell

Proud uncle, writer (author, poet, songwriter, playwright, screenwriter, drama series), fashion designer, graphic designer, visual artist, and so much more.