Education and Social Skills Part One

Casey Bell
9 min readJan 8, 2022

If you ask anyone in America who went to school, what does school offer, they will tell you, education and social skills. If you ask those same people, can you give a formal and accurate dictionary definition of education and/or social skills, 9 out of 10 will be unable to do so. If you do not know the definition of education or social skills, how do you know you received one? You don’t actually believe school gives you wither education or social skills; you simply say it because that was what you were told by adults. You never fact checked nor did you challenge the information which proves you received neither.

Does school offer education? NO. Before you argue, take the time to listen. By the way the first step to social skills is listening. What is education? Education is the process of learning information or a skill for the sake of using it for yours or someone else’s benefit. For instance, if you take a sewing class, in the class you are not receiving education, you are receiving information and tools needed to sew. It does not become education until you can do it, not only for yourself, also for someone else. An informed person is someone who knows you need fabric, needle, thread, and a sewing machine to make clothing. An educated seamstress is someone who can use that information to make clothing for themselves, someone else, or even go into business and sell their clothing. Until you are using the information to benefit yourself or someone else, you are not educated only informed.

When you go to school, they are not educating you, they are either informing you, deceiving you, or dictating to you.


As mentioned earlier, informing simply means to give someone information they may or may not use, they may or may not remember. The problem with most of the information you receive from school outside of R.W.A. (Reading, Writing, Arithmetic), most of it is useless in life, or they never taught us how to apply the information in everyday living. Let’s take Algebra for example. School taught us how to find out when two trains are meeting. When does anyone use this? Further more we were taught you needed to know the mileage of each train in order to determine when they would meet in the same place. What train station anywhere in the world provides the mileage of the trains? What we never learned was how to apply Algebra to shopping for discounts or in any other everyday errand. Not only was the information useless in many ways we choice not to use the information taught which is more evidence you are not being educated. Everyone who entered the United (more like divided) States of America was taught how to speak correct and proper English using proper grammar. How many people do you know speaks proper English 24/7? You don’t even speak proper English. Have you ever listened to commercials, songs, TV shows, films? Have you ever noticed how much they do not speak proper English? Do you know why we do not use the English we learned (or was informed)? Its’s because no one is educated in class, our environment educates us. By the time you leave English class and go to the cafeteria, Physical Ed class, or recess, no one is speaking as they were taught in class. All of the students go back to speaking incorrect English. Learning how to speak a language properly is being informed. Actually, speaking the language properly on a daily basis is being educated. Do you know how many people believe whales and dolphins are fish, even though we were taught in school that they are NOT fish, they are sea mammals? If people received an education, they would know that whales and fish are not fish. Which means, by the way, that Jonah was not eaten by a whale. The bible says big fish, and whales have never been fish. Furthermore, not only do they give us useless information or information we choose not to use (or remember), they never informed us on what we actually need as adults. Below is a list of things we need as adults that the school system never teachers us:

Mortgages/Loans, Leasing, Buying Cars/Homes, Savings/Investing, Taxes, Reading, Understanding, and Signing a Contract, Budgeting/Accounting/Bookkeeping, Insurance (Car, Life, Home, Medical, Etc.), Car registrations/inspections, how to be your own banker, Entrepreneurship, Multiple Streams of Income/Passive Income, Bank Accounts, Applying for Jobs/Job Interviews/Work Etiquette/Ethics, asking for a Raise/Promotion, Freelance, Contracting Work, and so on and so forth.

So much of what makes people successful in work and money, none of it was taught in school. In fact, must of us educated ourselves on being an adult. In the end no education was given in school, simply information that was not useful, information we choose not to use, or information we needed and never received.


Christopher Columbus and Santa Claus are two of the hundreds of lies that were taught in school. Most Americans do not even know how ignorant they are because they never took the time to fact check the information given to them. Thomas Edison was not born when the first lightbulb was invented. The Pledge of Allegiance does not honor veterans and neither does the Star Spangled Banner. The Pledge was written out of hypocrisy. Not only is there a law in place since 1942 that states no one has to stand, the pledge itself is not needed anymore due to the laws we have today. The pledge was never written to honor. It was written out of necessity due to Americans laws against immigrants. The Star-Spangled Banner was originally a poem, “Defence of Fort M’Henry,” written in 1814 to express the writer’s experience being a prisoner on the enemies’ ship during The War of 1812. It became America’s National Anthem in 1930. There is so much more false information you believe is true, simply because you never thought you were being deceived in school. Education is not deceiving someone one. Did you know Albert Einstein never became a scientist, that he was a psychologist? Did you know we never used Thomas Edison’s lightbulb? His lightbulb lasted 3–5 hours. Did you know peanuts and cashews are not nuts? Did you know Ellis Island was not the first immigration into America? Ellis Island was the first time America received immigrants without killing them, it wasn’t the first time ever. There is so much more information you have no clue is false due to the fact you never had the mind to fact check. Education is all about fact checking. This leads to the last thing you received in school as oppose to education.


America was established on dictation (slavery), that is why every institution in America is still ran by dictation. The household says do as I say not as I do or I will spank you. Do not question, just do it. The church says, do as the Pastor says or you will be sent to hell. The school system says obey your teacher even if she/he is wrong or go to the principal’s office. Do you realize had you put on your test Christopher Columbus did NOT discover America, the Native Indians established it, you would have failed the test? Even though you were correct, because the dictator said Chris discovered it in 1492, that is what you had to put on your test, even though it was wrong. Dictation simply means a person, government, or institution makes all final decisions, whether they be wrong or right, and the people must obey and not challenge. That is exactly what school is, which is why you naturally do not have the common sense to fact check before you believe what you are being taught. Scientists, doctors, the FDS, and the medical world has ben wrong so many times in the past (the following substances were considered safe by scientists in the past: mercury, lead, silicone, asbestos, talcum powder, cigarettes, and so many more). Their deadly mistakes claimed the lives of billions of people in total and yet when the medical world speaks, most people do not question them. That is because we live in a dictator world, where we were taught, do not question. Even though they have a history of being wrong and causing pain and suffering to a multitude of lives, people still do not have the mind to question. Education is all about fact checking, questioning, challenging, and double checking (triple and quadruple checking). Had the people who followed Jim Jones fact checked what he was preaching, so many lives would not have died. It is very important to fact check information in the process of being educated. If you do not question, you are not being educated.


The last example that proves you were not educated in school is the fact that most people do not fact check their information and that is because most people, especially Americans fail to read. The fact that most people stop reading when they leave school is evidence you are not being educated. Reading, researching, and restudying is essential to education. Had you gone to the library and fact check Santa and Mr. Columbus, you would have never been deceived. Many people believe reading books is boring. That is another fact that proves you are not being educated. Reading and fact checking is a fun process. The only reason why you think reading is boring is because of the limited reading program (that is not diverse) that the school system has. There are thousands of books being published every single day in every single continent. Many of those foreign books receiving translations. With those facts alone, no reading program should be the same every year. The fact that there are billions up billions of books in existence that are suitable for youth of all ages, and the school system has yet to change the reading curriculum shows they are not educating you. Education is broad and diverse. Education opens your eyes, heart, and mind to knowledge known all over the world. Experiences that you have witnessed and those you have not. When they found the dead bodies in Jim Jones camp the one thing, they never found were bibles and books. Anyone who is withholding books from you is not educating you. They are deliberately withholding vital information to you. People who are educating you will never ban or forbid a book from you. They may speak against a book with reasons, they would never completely ban them. Education does not ban. It discusses, converses, and has open dialogues and allows everyone without condemnation to speak their thoughts. In listening, that is how we hear other point of views and ideas we may have not ourselves thought about. School is more dictatorship than it is education. If students do not get to challenge, that is not education it is dictatorship. Anything that is true when challenged will be true. Educators do not have a problem with someone challenging them, dictators do.


You were not educated in school. You were informed. Your environment educated you. Before you went to school you were educated in speaking, talking, washing, brushing teeth, getting dress, chores, errands, etc. and you never picked up a book or number 2 pencil to learn it. An expert (parents/guardians) taught you through demonstration and you learned through repetition. Once you go to school, you were informed how to speak proper English, your environment educated you how to speak. That is why English is spoken in many countries, states, and cities, and everywhere you go there is a different accent/dialect. Your environment taught you Ebonics, broken English, Valley Talk, etc., not school. School informed you how to do math, the calculator educated you that you didn’t need to do it in our head. School informed you, your living space educated you.

School is a nice place to start in being informed, if you want to be smart and successful, fact check what they are teaching you in the library. Unfortunately, most of what they are teaching in school is either useless information or false information. The thing is, you will never know until you fact check.

The second thing people believe they received from school is social skills. Did you really? Come back next week for part two.



Casey Bell

Proud uncle, writer (author, poet, songwriter, playwright, screenwriter, drama series), fashion designer, graphic designer, visual artist, and so much more.