Humanials Part 1

Casey Bell
3 min readNov 5, 2021

HUMANIALS by Casey Bell

Part 1

The year is 3097 and the earth is barely filled with the race of humans, but a new race created by a human. A mad scientist. Dr. Lud Pagal, an immoral person, now dead, started the inhumane creation of humanials. In 2997 after thirty years of tests and trials, Dr. Pagal successfully was able to evolve the human DNA into cross breeding it. By 3003, the first full born humanial was alive ion earth. Half male human, half male horse, Morse, is what they called him, was born, and scientists every where were awaiting to see if hits creature would survive beyond five years. By 3013, not only were there anniversary celebrations of the creation of humanials, but there was a small breed of humanials living in a designated place for them. About 300 in population. Dr. Pagal, by then how a team that were controlling the population of humanials. They pretty much stayed in their own community without problems. By 3020, the history of humanials were lost or sparingly told. Humans nor humanials being born were aware that humanials were not always in existence. Thanks to the libraries though the truth was always obtainable. Fast forwarding to 3071, Dr. Pagal was deceased and so were the men on his original team. The idea of controlling the humanial population had ceased, and humanials were now living in every continent, country, island, and land. There were many protests, uprisings, and boycotts due to humans mistreating humanials. Mostly because of their lifestyles. Humanials usually were not sanitary, they did not use toilets (bathrooms, etc), and they did not feel the need to cover their body parts with clothing. No wars took place, but riots, sit-ins, and petitions were being signed all over the world for humanials to be treated with respect. On March 21, 3080 an event took place that would change the earth forever.

Feger, a half female human, half male tiger, at the age of seventeen, became curious about humans and humanials. The bible was not read much in these days, but the good book was still in publication. Out of curiosity, Feger began to read the bible and noticed humans and animals were in the bible, but there was no mention of humanials. Feger, with all curiosity took to the library and began to study. Feger read, researched, and restudied every day for two weeks. She came into the knowledge of Dr. Pagal and his team and found out that her kind of living organisms at once in history in time was not in existence. Perplexed by this information she swiftly took three books from the library using her library card and rushed home to share the information. Her father in anger, threw the books to the floor, yelling not so kind words to the truth that was brought to his attention.

Mager: What are you doing with that?

Feger: I was curious.

Mager: Why? Why would you doubt our kind?

Feger: we’re not in the bible. We are not mentioned at all. Animals are and so are humans. There is no mention of our kind.

To Be Continued: November 12, 2021



Casey Bell

Proud uncle, writer (author, poet, songwriter, playwright, screenwriter, drama series), fashion designer, graphic designer, visual artist, and so much more.