Humanials Part 5

Casey Bell
3 min readDec 3, 2021

Yara, with her moving speech could change the mind of Lucio, but after his last comment instead of demonstrating love she with high anger punched him in the face. Unaware of this happening, the punch astonishes Lucio and he loses his balance and falls to the ground. Yara forgetting all things love, spits on him and walks away. As scary as it may sound to humanials, they believed humans were incapable of love and now they are in the same boat.

The year 3116 rolls in and now humanials are discriminating against the animal side of humanials. At first if you were mixed with a bird either eagle, chicken, kiwi, penguin, all other birds had your back in time of fighting. But by 3118 humanial birds that could fly began to revolt against humanial birds that were unable to fly. So much time had passed from the Race War that they were too blind to see the same thing humans were doing to them, they were now doing to one another. Peace and love were no longer an idea. Both peace and love wanted to be the solution, but humanials rejected both of them. Schools would not teach adequate history and humanials were not much readers, so no one could learn from the past because no one knew the past. Mother Earth would yet see another cycle of blind creatures not learning a lesson from those that came before them. Even without research ideas from the past returned to earth. A humanial by the name of Hyle Openter was the inventor and publisher of the first Traffic Light Business Book. It was a book that informed you of businesses who were open or close to segregation. A business located in the green part of the book was a business that accepted all humanials and had no segregation or discrimination policies. A business in the yellow section were not openly segregators, but have had reports from humanials of being mistreated. And of course, the businesses in the red section of the book were businesses who proudly discriminated against certain humanials. Some businesses were bird business, which meant if you were not half bird, you were not welcomed. There were feline businesses, canine, mammals, reptiles, etc. The book was a best-seller within in less than a month. There were thousands of editions determining your location and language. There was also a website where businesses could report themselves and customers and clients were able to leave feedback on their experience. All of the hatred their ancestors endured from humans; they were now implementing that same hatred on one another. The humanial race forgot about the fight their ancestors suffered so they could have freedom, equality, and justice. The hate humanials used against the humans was now returning to them as they continued to use it on one another. Every now and again Mowl’s words would resurface as a quote on an internet post or a t-shirt, but no one wanted to be the love their bullies lack, they wanted to return the hate their bullies gave. The world could see hatred was not the answer, but they also did not want to exercise the answer…love.

It was in the year of 3130 when the Humanial War officially began. Human birds against human cats, human frogs against human turtles, and so on and so forth. The truth of love was all over the library, but that location was near empty. Humanials just wanted to end the discrimination and thought war was the answer. They refused to try love, think of love, or even do love. Like the humans before them, they decided war was easier than love. Seven years of war and it only ended due to another mad scientist creating another race of a living organism.

To Be Continued: December 10, 2021



Casey Bell

Proud uncle, writer (author, poet, songwriter, playwright, screenwriter, drama series), fashion designer, graphic designer, visual artist, and so much more.