I Love Your Guts and Smarts

Casey Bell
4 min readNov 11, 2020

Do you have the guts to do what is smart for the ones you love? I am pretty sure Captain Joe Sacchetti has the guts, smarts, and love. That is the title of his first book. His eBook has been released already, but today, Veteran’s Day, his handheld (a book you hold without the use of a computer) hits the shelves. Captain Sacchetti, born in Philadelphia PA, is an Army Ranger Captain, who was awarded the Bronze Star. He also a graduate of the MIT Sloan School of Business Executive Education program. Not only a Veteran, but also an expert in sales and management, he has had many experiences that led to his book, “Guts, Smarts & Love: Live Your Life the Army Ranger Way.” I was honored to have him invest his time in me and Books to Read.

1. As a child did you dream of becoming an author?


2. Your resume includes being in the army as well as sales and management in the pharmaceutical and technical industries. What skills from the army were you able to use in the fields of sales and management?

Great question! You nailed it…Each of the 82 chapters covers a key skill — creating a persona, keeping your people safe, positioning your team for survival, making a good first impression, mentoring in the middle, cooler heads prevail, being on mission with the boys, just ask me, protecting and delivering, empowering teams…and many many more

3. Did you have any fears of publishing before you started? That only a handful of people would find the topic useful or interesting

4. What were three things you learned about the publishing process? 1) The collaborative effort of the publishing team that goes into a book from all sources 2) all the work that goes into a book AFTER you finish writing it 3) how cool it is to find quiet exotic places to do your writing

5. What was the most surprising thing your learned in the process?

How many times you review and edit what you’ve written even after you think it’s good!

6. What former skills from your previous resume did you use to publish and market your book?

I’ve got a large following on Linked In, pretty good on FB, Insta, Tw — 20, 000 total

7. What is the title of your latest book?

Guts, Smarts & Love: Live Your Life the Army Ranger Way


8. What is a brief summary/synopsis of the book?

Extraordinary profiles of everyday heroes called Army Rangers and the leadership principles they embody for readers to apply to business and high-performance life. You’ll laugh with some, cry with some, and learn a little from all of them through the brotherhood of extensive military training and experiences on the battlefield.

9. What inspired/encouraged you to write and publish the book?

The impact of serving alongside the world’s most elite soldiers and warm human beings

10. What did you enjoy most about writing this book?

The cathartic experience of interviewing old friends and heroes, and spending time all over the US and the world

11. What part of the writing/publishing process did you enjoy the least?

Editing — who likes that?? lol


12. Are you working on another book at the moment?

Not yet — after we launch this one though 😊

13. Where can your future fans follow you on social media?

YouTube Channel; Instagram & website — all are ArmyRangeratMIT; Joseph Sacchetti via LinkedIn

14. Do you have a website?

www.armyrangeratMIT.com ; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2h9AqdTiK7Rpf-tj7PfTxg/

15. From your life’s experiences and lessons, what advice would you give an 18-year-old?

Dare to do something great now — a huge stretch — you’ll have love for yourself the rest of your life for doing it!

16. What advice would you give a novice writer looking to publish their first book?

Know that the thing you love — the very thing you have passion for — is going to find a home in the hearts of readers if you put some passion in every page.

17. Which author (dead or alive) would you like to take a plane ride with and to what location?

Ken Follett does such deep research into his historical fiction — I would love to be on a little single engine plane as we fly into the location of his next book!

Happy Veteran’s Day to Captain Joe Sacchetti and all Veterans. I’d like to thank Captain Sacchetti for his time and sharing some of his life with us. If you’d like to know more about Captain Sacchetti, please visit his website and purchase his book.

eBook: https://www.amazon.com/Guts-Smarts-Love-Live-Ranger-ebook/dp/B08C372TZH/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=guts+smarts+and+love&qid=1600795087&s=books&sr=1-1

For more information and to purchase the book go to




Casey Bell

Proud uncle, writer (author, poet, songwriter, playwright, screenwriter, drama series), fashion designer, graphic designer, visual artist, and so much more.