National Love People Day
In the US, September 30 is observed as National Love People Day. The goal of the day is to show kindness and love to everyone, without exception. It motivates people to love others without conditions, which is a strong force that can improve the world.
This day can be observed in a variety of ways. You can help people by volunteering in your community, lending them your resources, or just by giving them a hug or a nice word.
Let’s all pause for a moment to recognize the individuals in our life and express our gratitude to them. Happy International Day of Love!
In order to foster the spirit of unconditional love as a national holiday that unites us all, Lifeline Church, based in Chicago, Illinois, launched National Love People Day in 2017.
Every day is Love Day. If you can honestly admit you do not show love as often as you would like, this is a time to make goals on how to show more love through your actions and words.
Showing more love is a wonderful way to improve relationships and create a positive atmosphere in your life. Here are ten things you can do to demonstrate…