To College or Not to College. Pt2
To College or Not to College
Part Two
There are a few professions where having a college degree is required by law. Any field in the medical fields (doctor, nurse, etc), teachers, professors, lawyers, psychologist, certain counseling fields, and many others. If you are aware of what you want to do with your life research and see if you are required a degree. If the answer is yes, unless you want to be in prison than go to college. For those who realize no law states they need a degree than go to the second section, if you do not find another option you want to take than come back to section one.
So you’re going to college. For some of you it’s an option for others it’s the law. Either or there are many options that are not given to you as far as college goes. Before we talk about choosing a college and degree let’s first discuss payment. I am not sure why, but Americans make a huge deal about college, but don’t prepare for it. If you know you want your child to go to college, than why don’t you financially prepare for it? That is not smart. So let’s talk financial preparation. There are many options you need to know about.
Once you know for sure you want to have children (even if you are childless) that is the time to start preparing for college. Open a savings account and never touch it. The good thing about it is if you do not have children or they choose not to go to college (because they read…