We Are Closed Due to Low Staff

It doesn’t matter how you discriminate, discrimination at some point will kick you in the butt. Most people have no clue what discrimination means, because the only time it is used is in a negative form and black people are involved. The word discriminate simply means to mistreat or exclude a group of people. Yacht Clubs discriminate against those without yachts. There’s nothing wrong with it, they are simply excluding people without yachts or those not in relationship with people with yachts. Discrimination/segregation is not always bad. Bathrooms are sometimes segregated. The aisles in the stores are separated. Schools are segregated by age and grade level. It makes sense sometimes to separate. The thing is when you have a problem from discrimination or segregation, sometimes you have to get over yourself and find a way to include those whom you once excluded. The best way to get staff during this pandemic and get back to work is stop all the discrimination. Before reading these suggestions, know that I understand that some industries must discriminate due to dangerous or type of work. There are those that do not and still do.
Many jobs require a high school diploma/GED and/or a college degree or certification. It may cost the business money, they best way to start hiring people without these certificates is to add training to the job. There are people 40 years plus who are not ready to retire who can train the younger generation. Even if they are past 30 years of age, you can hire drop outs and train them in house. This way you do not need to require a degree. Yes, I understand why many businesses discriminate against those without diplomas and degrees, the thing is, if you look at history, there was a time when college and school did not exist. Apprenticeship was the only form of education. At 13 boys would go to work with their dad and would train with him. That is still possible. Businesses can hire experience people to train those who are without the certificates and experience.
Not all senior citizens are old, decrepit, and unable to work. Some elderlies have chosen to take care of themselves and can still work just as well as the young-ins. Furthermore, waiting for someone to be 25 before you hire them is also a reason you do not have staff. Why not hire at 16? If they are willing to work, you can train them, and if you treat them right, they may stay long-term. Age is another discriminating factor. Maybe now is the time to change that.
Yes, I understand, sometimes, what they did was so unforgiveable and so unholy, the thing is, some people are ready to change and make a better life. Furthermore, not all people with a criminal record did the crime. There are many people who with naivety pled guilty for the sake of protecting someone else. Instead of writing them off, have an honest, open, and non-judgmental conversation with the individual. If you feel they may need rehab or counseling, make that a requirement in order to get and/or keep the job. There are many people willing to work, they’re past wrong decisions or mistakes is what’s keeping them from working.
The disabled and veterans are another group of people who find it challenging to find a good paying job. Yes, I can understand why they are discriminated against, the thing is, people become rich for creating new ideas. So, instead of leaving them out of the hiring pool, create, or hire people to create inventions, jobs, or ways they can work the job even with their disabilities. If you focus on the abilities, they, have you can easily find a way for them to use it to do the job.
If you simply pay women equally and not assault them on the job, there are many women who would go to work. The thing is, now with all these entrepreneurial webinars, they are simply realizing it is better to work from home, doing what you enjoy, and be able to spend time with the children (for those who have) then to be at a job that pays her unequally and run the risk of being assaulted or even looked at strangely if she needs to leave early to pick up her child.
In history, white males were behind most of the massacres, wars, and genocides, yet, white males still discriminate against people of color. Statistically, crimes such as molestation, drug use, rape, and murder are mostly done by white males. I am not saying we should start being prejudice against white males, I am saying white males have no evidence to prove they should discriminate against people of color. When you hire people due to what they can do on the job and not what they look like, you won’t have any problems finding staff.
Overall, there are many people with degrees and without degrees looking for work. Pay more and provide training on the job, create a program for ex-cons, etc., and you will not have a problem finding staff. The staff is out there, you (employer) don’t want them. And of course, those who you do want, don’t want you. When you’re in a grind you do not get to be picky. Furthermore, the ones who you think are not good enough, if you took the time to train and care for them, they very well can excel your expectations.